July 31, 2008

August, 2008

August. . .AUGUST!. . . It's already August?!

Most of you, having lived here longer than me, know what that means. We have three months left, MAAAAAAAYBE, to get out on those mountains before the snow flies! So have fun reading about the July antics and then get out there in this eighth month of the eighth year of this millennium!



You all know what a fantabulous photographer David Hunter is and how wonderful are the slide shows that he has shared in the past. Well, David, Shirley, and the others that adventured into the Grand Canyon this year are going to bring their experience to you at the August meeting. You know there will be stunning photos and some interesting tales to go along with them. So don't miss out. Mark your calendars for Thursday, August 7th, 6:30 p.m. at the Community Center.



A quick word about the food situation at the August meeting. As you can see from the sidebar over there ------------->>>>>>>, we only have two lovely volunteers to bring food items this month. We need more. And, EXCUSE ME, but it is not written anywhere that only women can volunteer for this although it seems to be a trend. Come on, fellas, step up and let us see what you can do in the food area, eh?!



There will be a sign up sheet at the August meeting asking if you would be interested in purchasing one or more of a 9x12 monthly calendar that will feature photos taken by David Hunter of outdoor scenes depicting places that group members have visited. This will be a fundraiser for the general fund of the club; meaning that the money will be used to benefit the club members, not the Education Fund or the SAR Fund.
David has everything in place to have the calendars printed on heavy quality paper. What we need to know is if you, the members, would buy them. The price will be $10.00 (a bargain!). In order to be cost effective and raise money for the club while still offering it at this LOW, LOW price, there needs to be a total order of 500 calendars.
SO, what we ask is that, if you are interested (AND WHO WOULDN'T BE?!), please put your name on the list and how many you would commit to purchase (great addition to the Christmas gifts for friends and family!).
If we have enough interest, we will then request your payment so the order can be placed. So look for it next Thursday. If you can't make it to the meeting, please email sjocnewsletter@yahoo.com and tell us your name, phone number, and how many you would purchase. I'll even start it off with an order for 5!



Be advised that the September Potluck will be held at the Sportsman's Lodge as in years past. We had beautiful weather last year so let's keep our fingers crossed for a repeat performance. Bring your food item, a chair, and your witty repartee. Oh, yes, bring your appetite, too!


A message from our President, Joyce Ramberg. . .


What more can I say? The parade, the party at the Longs and the silent auction were a tremendous success. What a wonderful setting for a 4th of July party! Thank you Longs for being such gracious hosts. When the board came up with the idea of a silent auction, we had no idea if it would be a success. I guess it was! Thanks to all of you who donated items and all who bid on items, we made $956.00! Not bad for a fun filled afternoon with lots of good food. I would like to thank everyone who worked on the float and walked in the parade. We didn't have a real good turnout but those who took part in the event had a good time.

As the summer draws to a close look at the sign up sheets. We will be having more hikes, camping etc. Don't forget the pot luck in September and then comes our big money raiser in October. Nancy and Jim Cole will be looking for lots of helpers for the ski swap.

The current board's terms come to an end in December. If any of you would like to serve on the board please contact me. It's a great way to get to know the other members of the club. Hope to hear from some of you.

Again, thank you and be safe in all of your activities.



Float Decorating

Shirley overseeing the highly technical decorations.

John and David wondering if it's best to use duct tape or staples on the float.

Joyce and Cindy put their creativity to work on the photo collages.

Mike finds an easy way to blow up those balloons.

Sue chooses to do it the old fashioned way.

Nancy and Linda in charge of the artwork.


4th of July Parade

How about that new banner? Spiffy!

Hoppy paddles his way on Pagosa Time!

Joyce & Bentley coordinated their wardrobes. I think Linda & Bentley might have had a chat, too.

Cindy on her trusty steed.

Thanks to David & Shirley for pulling the float with their appropriately colored blue jeep.

Thanks to the folks that gathered to decorate the float the afternoon before.
And to Terry Baker for allowing us to use his raft.

Another parade under our belts. Casey is ready to head home.


4th of July Picnic & Silent Auction

Ken working his magic at the grill.
Our huge thanks to Ken and JoAnn for their hospitality.

Glen & Will seem to be holding up the line with some serious debate.

Got mighty quiet about this time.

Everybody's hyper-focused on their plates.

Heated action at the Silent Auction table.

A whopping Thank You to all those that donated to the silent auction at the 4th of July Picnic:
(In no particular order) Barb & Paul Draper, Phyl Daleske, Don & Barbara Jacobs, Peggy Cotton, Erika & Bart Cox, Sally & Amond Hanson, Anne Allison, Joyce & John Ramberg, Robyn & Bob Harrington, Judy Collins, Betsy Cotton, Sara Wilson, Nancy & Jim Cole, Margaret & Robert Webb, Linda & Bill Heller, and Inis & Pete Readon.

And a whopping Thank You to all those that purchased the items: Ken & Mary Ann Durham, Julie Wooten, Anne Allison, Betsy Cotton, Cindy & Jim Quigley, Mirrel Kepht, Donna Milner, Helen Hoff, Tammy Wilde, Joyce & John Ramberg, Helen Hoff, Erin Draper, Suzie & Doug Farmer, and Barb & Paul Draper.

I notice that, if you look at those names, it seems we all just swapped stuff with the club reaping the benefit! Aren't we clever? And we all have new stuff. Doesn't get any better than that.



Just a quick reminder that the Thursday morning group is still going strong. They meet at the Rec Center on Park Ave. at 9 a.m. on all but the last Thursday of the month. Following an hour of fast paced walking and talking, the group meets at either La Tazza or Higher Grounds for whatever tickles their tastebuds.
On the last Thursday of each month, the group meets at Reservoir Hill parking area and hikes the trails for about and hour then moves onto the relaxation part of the day at the Springs for a soak and then lunch.
Feel free to come join the group.

Some of the women that hit Reservoir Hill then The Springs then lunch in June.
Not a bad way to spend a Thursday.

Pagosa Peak
July 19

My question is - where the heck was the person who took this photo?

Ken enjoying the views from on high. I think that's what he's doing.

The Pagosa Peak Pack
Gary Brewer, Bart Cox, Ken Long, Sue Coe, John Warszawski,
Carolyn Warszawski , Klaus Neubert, Glen Van Patter (leader).


QUILTERS at Creede Repertory Theater

On July 19th, 8 members headed out to Creede (we met the ninth member of our group there) for a day of fun, eating (of course), and entertainment. Our first stop was to the Creede "Old Firehouse" deli for doubledecker ice cream cones so we could load up on enough carbs to last us through the play. Then we enjoyed a very interesting historical talk given by one of the theatrical performers about how quilting played a very large part in the lives of pioneer women. The play was enjoyed very much by all; it made us laugh and cry, and it made us appreciate so much more the hardships these pioneer women endured in order to live in this amazingly beautiful part of the country where we too have chosen to live. The actresses (no men in this one) were fantastic and we enjoyed meeting each one of them after the play. We were also treated to a backstage tour and especially enjoyed seeing the costumes and sets. Then on to dinner at the always fabulous Creede Hotel and Restaurant for a superb dinner (and of course dessert for some of us).
Leader: Marsha Baker
Members included:
Helen Hoff, Will James, Sue Passant, Nancy Seay, Bev Warburton and her daughter Anne, Jaye Price, Cindy Quigley

The Quilt

The group on stage.

Backstage at the theater.

Ooooooh, look at all those shoes!

Dinner at the Creede Hotel Restaurant


Evening Cookout at Alberta Lake

The evening cookout was a bust due to rain. More than 25 people signed up and 11 people showed up at the meeting place with food etc. Rather than cancel this activity, Jim and Kitty Parker graciously volunteered their home to go and eat. We used their grill and ate out on their covered deck, and watched the stormy weather. Thankyou Jim and Kitty for opening your home to us. We will try Alberta Lake again next year for a cookout. Thanks to all who participated -- Gregg Howard


Emerald Lake Backpack

On July 24th, 2 members, Leo Milner and Terry Baker, and Leo's grandson of 13 years, Jacob, hiked up to picturesque Emerald Lake for 3 days and 2 nights. Halfway into the trek we encountered stormy weather, but, undeterred, we ventured forward, reaching the lake at dusk. It was well worth the effort, as we enjoyed fishing, exploring and relaxing, enjoying the beautiful alpine lake.

Leo & Jacob on the trail.

Terry catching dinner.

Oh, wait. It's JACOB who's catching dinner.


Easy Hike into the Alberta Lake Area near the ski area

I think we had 17 people including me on this hike. We drove in to the back of Alberta Lake by the dam. Very pristine and very beautiful. From there we bushwacked it in about 3/4 mi. to a small unnamed lake (Howard's pond) From there we hiked to an old closed woods road and walked out to the bottom of the Alberta chairlift, and then down the road to Alberta Lake and the cars at the dam. About a 3 mi. loop and maybe 200 ft. vertical gain. There are no pictures for this hike. Someone did take pictures, but I forgot who it was ( a brain cramp/senior moment). Afterwards most of us went to Bear Cr. for food and beverages. A good group of folks, clear weather, and beautiful scenery made it a fun hike. Thanks to all who participated -- Gregg Howard


Easy Hike near the Falls Creek Area

Gregg's Gang
Including the Leader, there were 15 people who participated in this hike. We drove about 4 mi. up on the Falls Cr. rd. (FS 639) to the top of the ridge as you cross over into the falls cr. area. This hike was all bushwacking along a fairly flat ridge with several little pitches in grade. We hiked in about a 1 1/4 mi., and climbed about 400 ft. vertical to the base of a rock cliff. At the bottom of the rock cliff was about a 5 ac. rock field full of Columbine flowers, and other flowers. I, the Leader, have never seen so many columbines in one place. The rock cliffs and field were full of different colored lichens and moss. It was a very colorful and beautiful setting. We stopped here and snacked. I, as the leader, received a few kidding complaints on the way up, but when we got to the rock field everyone was very pleased w/what they saw. We also had some big views across the Wolf Cr. drainage into the Sheep Mtn. area. Afterwards most stopped for a late lunch on the patio at Kip's bar/grill. We had tacos, beer, and some of us had margaritas. Someone forgot what she was drinking and started my margarita, but I won't mention any names. We had a good fun group, lots of sunshine, and saw some beautiful scenery. Thanks to all who participated and made it such a fun day -- Gregg Howard

Betsy demonstrating San Juan sunbathing.

The famous Klaus nap time on the trail.


June 28th

Yikes, I almost forgot this one. Donna & Leo Milner invited folks out to their place to ride horses, hike with Gregg, and eat, eat, eat.

The Hikers

The Eaters

It looks like a good time was had by all!


That's all folks. I've been a bit busy and scattered this go 'round so I hope I haven't forgotten anything. If so, we'll pick it up next time. Have a lovely August and enjoy our beautiful outdoors in whatever way scoots your boots or floats your boats.