December 1, 2008

December, 2008

Annual SJOC Christmas Get-Together
Thursday, December 4th, 6:30 p.m.!
Bring -> -> -> ->

Your good cheer
Money for the Raffle
A scrumptious side dish or dessert
A gift for a "Helping Hand" child (if you so choose)
And wear elastic pants!


Please note that there will be some REALLY good stuff in the Education Fund Raffle this month. To whet your appetite, let me share.
  • FOUR passes to the Overlook Mineral Springs Spa
  • Award Winning Winter Hoodoos Framed Photo by David Hunter
  • $30 Certificate for Hair or Nail services with Karmen Lamoreaux @ Cherry Cement Salon
  • A beautiful Christmas wreath created by Joyce Ramberg
  • Half the Cash
Given the quality and variety of prizes, the raffle tickets will sell for $1 each or 7 for $5. A bargain by anyone's estimation! Let's raise some cash so the 2009 Board can do some wonderful things next year!


A now the final message from our 2008 President . . .

It's December and this will be the last time you hear from me in this column. It's been a wonderful experience and a rewarding one. Your new board will take over in January. They will have new ideas and I am looking forward to working with them as past president.

December is the big Holiday party. It will be December 4th at 6:30 p.m. Don"t forget to pick up a stocking at City Market and get the gift requested for that particular child. Bring your gift to the party and we will deliver them to Helping Hand.

January's meeting will be on the 8th as the first Thursday of the month is New Years Day.

Have a wonderful holiday season and Happy New Year to everyone! Hope to see you at the Party in December.


While I still have the voice as Newsletter Editor, I wish to take this opportunity to thank Joyce and all the Board members; Linda, Mike, Gregg, Carolyn, and Doug for their enthusiasm, hard work, and dedication to the club while serving this year. I have looked forward each month to joining this group of people and discussing ideas, making choices, and continuing the legacy of the San Juan Outdoor Club.
I also want to thank the wonderful Scholarship Committee: Charleen, Sara, Cindy, and Glenn as well as the diligent Refreshment Committee: Judy, Ingrid, and Gloria. You all make this club great and thanks so much for serving.
Thanks to y'all for a great year!
Betsy Cotton, Editor


Board Nominees for 2009

The slate of nominees for the 2009 Board of Directors is as follows:
President: Barry Ebersol
Vice President: Mike Schneider
Treasurer: Mike Ellis
Secretary: Barbara Johnson
Activities: Gregg Howard
Membership: Carolyn Warszaski
Member-At-Large: Ted Dinkler
Newsletter Editor: Susan Milford

You will have the opportunity to vote on these nominees at the December meeting.


November Meeting

Raffle Winners Cheryl, Mike, J.P., & Tim
And remember, the raffle proceeds go to the Education Fund which benefits Pagosa senior students going to college as well as younger Pagosa folks studying nature and conservation as well as learning outdoor sports and skills. When you purchase tickets you're not just investing in a chance to win a prize. You're investing in kids' futures.

Nancy Cole reports on the Ski Swap outcome of approximately $1700 for the club with the Bake Sale raising about $370. (Read more about it below.)

Bob Harrington receives an award on behalf of SJOC for coming in 3rd in the Relay for Life fundraiser. David & Shirley Hunter (not present) received an award for their efforts as individual fundraisers.

James Dickhoff speaks to the group regarding trail grooming projects as well as volunteer and donation opportunities.

Linda Moser, Director of Nursing for the Pagosa Mountain Hospital enlightened the club on the services and goals of the hospital.


2008 Sports Swap

The 2008 Ski and Sports Swap sponsored by the San Juan Outdoor Club was held on Saturday, October 25. We had lots of gear from nine merchants from Pagosa, Durango, and Aztec plus that contributed for sale by individual sellers. We had lots of happy buyers who found affordable gear for their children or themselves. We had a super bake sale that added festivity and good eats to the throngs of people. And over 40 SJOC members helped with various aspects of the sale. Unfortunately, our gross sales were down about $4,500 from the sales of the last two years which were our biggest two sales ever. We assume the general economic situation had a negative effect. This year we also lowered our commission from 20% to 17% to bring our Swap in line with others in the area, further reducing our income, and we had a couple of unaccounted-for gear items that cost the Club about $300. The total effect was to lower the Club’s take for scholarships to about $1700. However, the Bake Sale added its highest total ever of $370 to the Club’s coffers. We had wonderful and experienced workers for Friday evening and early Saturday morning check-ins, with some checking the manifests while others unloaded gear and placed it into its appropriate location. Somehow, the workers managed to place all the gear into the too-little space available. Meanwhile, others set up the food corner, and still others prepared the check-out area. We opened our doors only slightly after the appointed 9:00 am starting time to a steady stream of potential buyers. After closing time, the SJOC volunteers went to work sorting and reloading the merchants’ gear, sorting the individual sellers’ gear, and putting away tables and chairs. Finally, the loading of the gear contributed to the Humane Society signaled we were near the end. This year we hired some help for the final clean-up – bathrooms and mopping. We would love to list all of the SJOC members who helped so much with all aspects of the work, but to name some would undoubtedly mean leaving out others. What struck us this year is how much of the work happens seemingly without direction or command. In fact, this is because the same people have helped for so many years that they know exactly what to do and if they need more help they just call on the new volunteers who then learn and will be ready for next year. The merchants who bring large loads of their gear to sell make the Swap possible. In addition, many of the merchants work all day at the sale, adding their expertise to help buyers find the right gear. The Club is also especially indebted to the Humane Society which loans us cash registers and a credit card machine, and hauls off the donations of unsold gear at the end of the Swap.


Last Easy Hike
October 4th

The last Easy Hike of the season took place on Oct.4 to Opal Lake. A total of 14 people participated on the hike. We hiked up to Opal lake , rested, then bushwacked into some beautiful old growth aspen stands and then connected back up w/ the trail. As you can see from the photos, we hit the colors just right. It was a nice way to end the easy hikes. We will resume in April of next year. It was a great hike, a great day, and the company as always was the best. Thanks to all who participated, and thanks to Leonard Kleiner and Joe Negri for providing the photos -- Gregg Howard


Zion National Park
October 25 - 31

Sjoc Members Doug & Susie Farmer (along with Susie's sister Joanne), Ken & Joanne Long, Betsy & Peggy Cotton, Carolyn & John Warszawski, and David & Shirley Hunter gathered at Zion National Park to enjoy the beautiful collage of fall colors and soaring limestone cliffs. 5 members of the group took advantage of a beautiful day to play a round of golf in Hurricane while others either hiked, shopped or just hung out. Special hikes were the Virgin River, The Subway (bottoms up since top down meant rapelling and perhaps swimming), Hidden Canyon, Angels Landing, and Echo Canyon.
(These are some wonderful photos to click on a see the full image.)

Some of the gang during the Narrows hike up the Virgin River. This is a "must do" if you visit Zion.

Walking in Echo Canyon. Look at the play of the sun on the far cliff.

Lunch break on Subway Hike.

The sun creates this enchanting scene in Hidden Canyon.

Dinosaur print. Ken Long thinks it was a great big chicken.

A day of golf in Hurricane. Quite a swing you have there, Shirley!
Notice the pink tee and ball (in the air).


Easy Snowshoe
November 22

Gregg Howard led the way into winter sports with the first Easy Snowshoe of the season which
went well. We had 18 (including the leader) who participated. The "shoe" took place along FS Rd. 725 just 2 mi. from Wolf Creek Pass. It included shoeing along an old closed woods road, and then some bushwacking down to Wolf Creek to check out some frozen water falls. Total length of the shoe was a little over 2.5 mi. w/an elevation gain of about 200 ft. The snow was soft in the trees and adequate depth for shoeing. We all had a good time, getting to know each other, and the weather was perfect. After the shoe 1/2 of us went to Bear Creek Bar and Grill for lunch and drinks. Thanks to all that participated. The next easy snow shoe will be on Dec. 6 -- check the calender that is in the "Useful Links" section on the SJOC newsletter for updates on location of the next easy snowshoe -- Gregg Howard

There's snow in them there hills!

One of the gems to be found in our mountains.

The First Easy Snowshoe Gang


A word to the wise - check the Activities Calendar and the Activities Sign-Up sheets. New outings are being added as snow becomes a reality. One or two require participants to provide payment in order to be officially signed-up so you'll want to be prepared with check/cash in hand. Look ahead to future months, not just the one we're in at the moment. Pre-planning is required when reservations are necessary so give it a gander and make your choices!


Turkey Trot
Thanksgiving Day

Since Thanksgiving fell on a Thursday this year (hehe) some of the Thursday walkers signed up for the Annual Turkey Trot benefiting the Pagosa Dolphin swim team. Some of us (okay, me) envisioned an invigorating walk in a soft falling snow. What we got was a cold, wet, rainy morning that tested our resolve. . . and we passed that test!
Betsy C.
Photos by John Bozek

Charleen, Kristin, Rory, Shirley, and Betsy are planning strategy.

The dogs are ready to go. Apparently, only blond dogs were allowed.

And they're off!

John B. crossing the finish, alone. Wonder if he was the first one or the last one. Hmmmm.
Way to go, John, for joining the Thursday morning challenge.


Snowshoe at the Summit
November 29

David & Shirley Hunter's "On Call" snowshoe list is GREAT! If you like to snowshoe, send them an email or give them a call and ask them to put you on the list. When the snow looks good, the weather looks nice, and they decide to head out, they'll call the list and set a time and meeting place. You just show up. Can't get any easier than that.
On Saturday, David & Shirley, Betsy C., Sue B., Jim L. & Linda E., and Gary B. drove out of overcast Pagosa and headed up to the summit to enjoy the snow under a sunny, blue sky. It felt so good to get out on our snowshoes that we didn't want to quit. It got our enthusiasm going for winter sports. We shoed up to the Rock Garden but it'll take some more feet of snow before we'll be venturing into there.
It was wonderful so knock those cob webs off your snowshoes, skis, etc. and get out there.

The gang minus Sue B. who is taking the photo. (Thanks, Sue.)

The gang including Sue and minus Jim.

Betsy and Shirley sit down for a little snack and coffee break.
Shoeing is hard work and you have to know how to relax!

The women doing the snowshoe shuffle.

Linda taming that hill. Go, Linda, Go!


That's it for this month and this year, kids. I look forward to seeing you all (hopefully) at the Christmas Party. Be safe, be warm, & be in the outdoors as much as possible!

P.S. I realize there is some weird font sizing. I can only attribute it to weird techno-stuff and the fact that I don't know what to do about it. I know that you will kindly forgive this weirdness.