April 25, 2008

May 2008

Program Change

Susan Dussell has had to cancel her presentation due to a death in her immediate family. Our thoughts go out to Susan and her family.

Phyllis Wheaton from the San Juan Forest Service will provide a short program titled "Update on 2008 Forest Services" with a focus on recreational and volunteer opportunities.


The vote is in and the people have spoken, as they say. . . . .

Twenty-two votes were registered on the April poll which asked if the membership supports expanding the scope of the Scholarship Fund to include other educational programs benefitting kids of all ages in matters related to the outdoors and the environment. Of those 22, 21 responded "Yes" with 20 of those a straight "Yes" and 1 with a positive response email. One vote was "No". I hope you took the opportunity to register your opinion. Based on this response, the Board will move forward with instituting that change. Thanks to all who provided your input to help guide the Board in their actions.


A now a message from our President, Joyce Ramberg. . .
Spring is here and it's time to put away our snowshoes and skis and get out the bikes and hiking boots. A lot of new activities are on the calendar and more are being added all the time.

I wonder how many of you are reading the newsletter. Each month we have a poll and we ask you to vote on a particular subject. We have very few responses to this poll. Remember that this is a way to have a say in your club.

There will be no potluck in June as we will be having the big 4th of July party and potluck. We will be trying something new along with the food. We are going to have an auction to raise a little cash and have some fun. If any of you have something to donate for the auction please contact me or any of the board and we will even come pick it up. It could be a piece of art, jewelery, outdoor gear, or even a service. If all of us get involved we could have a good time.

I would like to thank La Tazza, The Springs, and Kips for donations to our monthly raffle. We will be having new prizes each month so bring your money and buy some raffle tickets. You just might win!

The walk for Life will be coming up in June and Bob Harrington has offered to be in charge of it again this year. Look for the sign up sheet he will be putting out and further announcements.

Thanks to all who have lead an activity this month. A special thanks goes to the refreshment committee who come early and set up all the tables, chairs, and refreshments.

Happy hiking, biking or whatever activity you choose to do.

Joyce jsramberg@msn.com, 731-2413


Try your luck at the raffle next month. You could be one of the lucky winners like these folks! Look how happy they are. Don't you deserve that kind of happiness? Yes, of course you do. BUT, you can't win if you don't play! Bring a few bucks to the May meeting and see what happens.

Happy Raffle Winners!
Charleen won the Pagosa Brewery Certificate, Helen took home the Pass from the Springs, and John had a double win of the La Tazza T-shirt and Half the Pot!


Hiking/Trekking Poles

By Shirley Hunter with the help from “Pete’s Pole Pages” internet site

Hiking poles are walking sticks and take many forms: simple staves made from found wood to sophisticated lightweight poles made from composite materials. Hiking poles are designed to provide extra stability and to spread the load from your legs onto your arms when used properly. Some folks like poles and some don’t. Here are some PROS and CONS:

PROS: (1) reduce knee pain; (2) increase hill climbing power; (3) can increase endurance; (4) aid crossing soft ground; (5) can aid balance for activities like river crossing, scree running, down hills, etc;

CONS: (1) financial outlay may be required; (2) increases total energy expenditures (3) keeps hands full; (4) get in the way on technical sections; (5) often ineffective due to poor technique.

David and I use two hiking poles whenever we are hiking trails primarily to relieve the strain on our knees and for balance on uneven terrain. It also gives us a boost on the uphills by allowing us to use upper body strength along with leg power. We’ve found that the poles have saved our bacon on numerous occasions and highly recommend their use, especially for those with knee problems.

For the statistic geeks, following quote was taken from basegear.com:

“In 1981, Dr. G. Neureuther published an investigation into the strain relief provided by ski sticks. Gait analyses showed that it was possible to reduce the pressure strain on the opposite leg by approximately 20% if sticks were used. While walking on level ground, walking sticks reduce the body weight carried by the legs by approximately 5kg every step. When walking up or down a mountain, it is reduced by 8 kg. With an average of 45 to 70 uses of the sticks per minute, the legs are relieved of between 13 and 33 tons per hike, so you walk more easily.”

Hey, just a little FYI for all you activity leaders. Did you know that the club owns a digital camera just for the purpose of taking fun photos on the outings? Well, it does. And that's not all! The club also owns two First Aid kits that are available for your use when leading activities. So take advantage of these resources. Call Gregg Howard, our fearless Activities Director, at 731-9514, to arrange for a hand-off.
And, don't forget to send those fabulous photos to sjocnewsletter@yahoo.com after the outing so everyone else can live vicariously through you and you're lucky group.


Chimney Rock Hike
April 6

A half dozen or so club members met at Chimney Rock for a get-out-of-the-house hike on Sunday, April 6. This was a spur of the moment hike and was not listed on the activity calendar but was spread via word of mouth (lots of mouths).

Men don't gossip - Right?

"Hey -- what are those guys gabbing about?" the gals wait and wonder.

Bob, aren't you chilly?


Canyon de Chelly
April 16-19

Sue & John Bozek, Al Olsen, Ken & Joanne Long, Bob & Robyn Harrington, Jean & Gautam Shah, Paul & Barb Draper, Bart & Erika Cox, Ben & Judy Collins, Sandy & Pierre Mion, Dick & Mary Riethmiller, Kathy & Steve Baughman, Sue & Jack Passant, Marci Vitrano, Harry Gunn, Stan & Lorrie Church, Bill & Cindy Heller, and Sara Wilson joined us for a visit to Canyon de Chelly in northern Arizona.

We visited the Anasazi ruins and learned about the Navajos who now live in the canyon. We sampled Navajo fry bread and bought native crafts. Most of all, we enjoyed each other's company and did not allow the weather to spoil our fun. We also kept the "eating club" tradition by taking advantage of every opportunity to have a meal or a snack, sometimes sampling native fare such as mutton stew.

This is a magical place and worthy of another visit.

Herb & Charleen Stipe

Photos are a mixture of those taken by Herb & Charleen Stipe and John Bozek

It got a bit chilly!

The Guides

Antelope House

An Owl Formation

Finally, a warm day for the hike to White House ruins.

Hmmm, I'm sure I saw a sign prohibiting alcoholic beverages and pets. . .

We celebrated Paul Draper's birthday.

April 17

Ron and Lu Nieweg, Dick and Mary Riethmiller, Gary Brewer, Leo and Donna Milner led by Larry and Kelly of Snow Country Adventure Tours. We snowmobiled and had a BBQ.

Lined up and ready to go.

Head 'em up and move 'em out!


June Presentation!

Wildflowers of the San Juans, presented by Susan Dussell, will be the June program. Learn the common names of most of the wildflowers you would expect to see on dayhikes near Pagosa Springs and other Southwest Colorado locations.

Susan's favorite hikes for seeing wildflowers will be described. Wildflower books, wildflower photography and camera choices will also be discussed.

Don't miss it. This photo is just a teaser of what's to come.


Many thanks to Jerry Sadler for his presentation about Peru and Machu Picchu.


Thanks for checking in, y'all (I'm visiting Texas this week so have to use lots of "y'alls"). We're fixin' to (huh uh, Texas thang again) have a great summer with lots of outdoor stuff goin' on. Get out your hiking, cycling, canoeing/kayaking/rafting gear and LET'S GO! And don't forget to send in your photos, captions, and articles. See the sidebar for instructions.