April 1, 2008

APRIL 2008

If your curiosity didn't drive you to check the poll results from March, we'll save you some trouble and give you the low down. There were 21 votes. Of those, 19 proclaimed us as geniuses and 2 say the blog is really good. We thank you for your input especially since it turned out so good for us. One question is hanging out there though. With only 21 votes from such a large membership, one could wonder if everyone else thought the blog totally sucked or would only do. Yep, the question is hanging out there. And it's going to keep hanging because my mama taught me, "If you don't want to know, don't ask." So, there you are!



As a result of the February input sessions, the Board is proposing a change to the scope of the SJOC scholarship activities which has been to award 1 to 5 individual scholarships to high school seniors. The Board is considering the option to expand the scope of the scholarship fund to include outdoor-related educational programs for kids of all ages.

So, please consider the poll this month. It is asked that, if you are attending the meeting April 3rd, that you wait to vote until after you hear the proposal from the Board and any resulting discussion then vote after that date. The last poll answer says "I will email." If you mark that answer, please send an email reflecting your opinion to: sjocnewsletter@yahoo.com. All emails will be relayed to the Board for consideration.

Remember that this is your chance to be heard on this matter. Please provide the Board with your preference so they can act based on what the membership most desires.


And now a word from our President, Joyce Ramberg.......

Welcome to the second edition of our Newsletter.

Spring is here and we will have a lot of new activities posted on the online Activity Calendar. The calendar is updated on a regular basis so please check it out. (See "Useful Links")

We had a wonderful turnout for the March potluck. Thanks to all for the good food. There was even enough for seconds! We have moved the potlucks from 6:00 to 6:30 p.m. That will allow more time for set-up and it will be easier for people that work to get there.

The Board has decided that the winner of the raffle money should keep their winnings rather than automatically donating it back. The thought being that more people will buy tickets when there is an actual prize to win. If you want to give to the Scholarship Fund or to Search and Rescue, please write a check designating it for that purpose. That way, you will have a record of your donation for tax purposes.

Thanks to all the leaders for a job well done. Leading a group activity is a lot of fun and a good way to meet new friends. We hope more of you will step forward and take on some leadership responsibilities.

Be sure to stay in touch with our Board. We need your input.

Joyce Ramberg


Listen Up Thursday Walkers!!

Spring has sprung so let's get in shape and have fun all at the same time. We are continuing our Thursday walks (check out Activity Calendar link) with one BIG change. Starting in April, on the last Thursday of the month, we will meet @ the Springs Resort parking lot, hike for an hour (Reservoir Hill is calling), soak at the Springs afterward, and then go for lunch or coffee. Remember to get your Senior's card at the Community Center to soak for only $7.


A letter from the Editor to you. . .

Being a volunteer with the Upper San Juan Search & Rescue, I want to take this opportunity to thank the San Juan Outdoor Club, and that means its generous members, for the donations received in 2007. THANK YOU. With that money we were able to purchase a newer, lighter, collapsible litter with compression mat.

Terry showing off the new litter. I'm about to slap that grin off his face.

I joined USJSAR in May 2007 and remember distinctly the difficulty of carrying the older, heavier litter. I remember most distinctly thinking "Holy crap! What have I gotten myself into?!" One might not consider what is required to simply get the litter to the injured subject in mountain terrain until you've experienced it firsthand. IT'S HARD! With the old litter, 4-6 people were required to carry it in. That meant carrying the litter while also carrying packs with ropes and technical gear plus individual survival gear. With the new litter, one person can strap it on like a backpack allowing others to carry needed gear, a very important consideration for a small volunteer group comprised of a couple of gung-ho but less than muscle-bound girls and a bunch of crusty old dudes like Terry, Les, & Leo. Because, as you might imagine, all that gear is heavy! After all, the objective is to have enough oomph left to carry OUT an injured person who, by the way, is rarely one of those ultra-skinny anorexic types!

Also included with the new litter is a vacuum compression mat which helps us to stabilize the patient and secure them in the litter much more effectively. It helps the subject tremendously by immobilizing injured bits and pieces during the trip out. It hurts a lot less if your broken leg isn't wobbling around. . . really.

Compression mat at work

More efficient and lighter equipment allows us to do our job better which translates into a safer experience for the rescuers and the subject. Again, we thank you. It's been a big improvement.

Betsy Cotton


A Call to Anyone Seeking a Fun & Rewarding Experience Working With Kids

Our own Barry Ebersol helping kids with a water flow experiment.

Volunteer Naturalist Training
Hershey Audubon Environmental Education Program
Hershey Four Mile Ranch
Pagosa Springs, Colorado
Dates of Volunteer Naturalist Training:
Tuesday, April 29, 4:00 p.m.- 7 p.m.
Thursday, May 1: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Friday, May 2: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

The Hershey Audubon Environmental Education Program is currently recruiting volunteer naturalists to lead nature hikes with Pagosa Springs school children at the Four Mile Ranch. Join us for our free volunteer naturalist training. No experience is necessary; just a love of children and nature, energy and some stamina. Have fun and learn lots while helping build your community. After attending the 15 hour training, volunteers will guide small groups of children on planned nature walks weekday mornings in May on the beautiful Four Mile Ranch. WE REALLY NEED YOUR HELP to make this local program successful for our kids.

Please contact Linda Newberry for more information and to register at 970-884-8555 or email lnewberry@audubon.org.

There will be a sign-up sheet on the Activity table at the April meeting. Please consider offering your time and guidance to this program. Remember, you get to learn lots of interesting stuff while enjoying the day at the ranch!

Linda Newberry and some enthusiastic young environmentalists.

March 1st Snowshoe
Gregg & his gang off Blanco Basin Road.
Sunny, warm, blue skies and good company.

He's got his ducks in a row.

Cindy Quigley pointed out that March 1st is National Pig Day. In celebration she wore her pig glasses, donned her piggy pin, and, yes folks, ate PORK taco salad for lunch!

"Hey, I thought this was supposed to be an EASY snowshoe." says Jim Struck.


March Meeting Potluck

Hey, I think we have to change National Pig Day to March 6th! Oink, Oink, Oink

Alot of excitement and interest at the Activities
sign-up table.

Gregg's snowshoe hike at Turkey springs on Sat. March 15th
From Beverly Chester

Karen & Harris Bynum

Lorna Fox & Jeanine Thomas

The Group


Another of Gregg's Moonlight Snowshoe Gatherings
proved a rousing success. Glenn & Lynda Van Patter
served as gracious hosts to two dozen plus sharing
their home and delicious chili. The moon glided in out
of cloud caricatures illuminating the snowy path over
the hills and through the woods. Once again, a good
time was had by all.

Drink up, Glenn. We move the furniture and begin the square dancing soon.

"Did she take it yet?" asks Toosje.
"I don't know. Just keep smiling," says Nancy.

"Who are all these people in my yard?" wonders Lynda.
Marsha looking stylish as always.

We urge everyone to check out the sidebar items each month. We will be adding, removing, and updating information each time to provide you as much up-to-date information as possible. Have a wonderful April. It's going to be a beautiful Spring. No foolin'!